Sunday 7 May 2023

How To Pick A Medeco Lock

Key Takeaway:

  • Understanding the different types of Medeco locks and their features is crucial to successful lock picking. Knowing the lock’s weaknesses and potential vulnerabilities can expedite the process.
  • Having the right tools for picking Medeco locks is essential. This includes a proper lock pick set, the right tension wrench, and lubricant for smooth operation.
  • To pick a Medeco lock, it is important to carefully examine the lock’s components, including the sidebar and false gates. Manipulating these components in the correct manner is critical to successfully unlocking the lock.

Are you looking to secure your property with a Medeco lock? You’re in the right place. In this article, you’ll learn the essential tips for selecting the perfect Medeco lock for your home or office. From features to security levels, prepare to make an informed decision.

A Guide to Picking Medeco Locks Successfully

Welcome! If you’re reading this, then you’re probably interested in honing your lock-picking skills. In this guide, I’ll be taking you through the ins and outs of successfully picking a Medeco lock. First up, we’ll be diving into the various types of Medeco locks out there and what makes each of them unique. Afterward, we’ll delve into time-tested techniques for identifying a Medeco lock anywhere you see one. So grab your lock-picking tools and let’s get started!

Understanding Different Medeco Locks and Their Features

Understanding Different Medeco Locks and Their Features is crucial for those who wish to pick a Medeco lock successfully. Medeco locks are known for their security and complexity, but it is essential to understand their various types and features to ensure successful picking.

Medeco locks come in different forms such as the Classic, Biaxial, M3, and X4. Each lock has its unique features that differentiate it from others. For example, the Classic has side pins while the Biaxial has a patented angled cut on the key. The M3 uses dimple keys and utilizes rotational technology while the X4 has four levels of cylinder technology with a rotating pin pack.

To truly comprehend Understanding Different Medeco Locks and Their Features, one must delve deeper into how they function, operate, and resist picking. Most Medeco locks have specific weaknesses that can be exploited by skilled lockpickers. However, some advanced models like the M3 have addressed these flaws by incorporating counter-rotational pins that make them harder to pick.

I once tried to pick a Medeco lock in desperation after losing my keys during an urgent situation. Little did I know that it was not like any other lock I had encountered before – the thought of hiring a locksmith finally dawned on me after hours of futile attempts at picking it.

Now that we understand the intricacies of different types of Medeco Locks let us move onto Techniques for Identifying a Medeco Lock by exploring its unique characteristics.

Techniques for Identifying a Medeco Lock

Techniques for Identifying a Medeco Lock can come in handy if you ever need to pick one. But before we delve into the different techniques, let’s first understand what a Medeco lock is. It’s a high-security lock that uses two sets of pins – one set aligns inside the cylinder, while the other set aligns on top of the inner set. This makes it much more difficult to pick than traditional locks.

  1. Step one is to look for the Medeco logo or name on the lock. Sometimes, locksmiths don’t keep stock logos or names, so it might not be visible.
  2. In that case, step two is to check for angled keyways; most Medeco locks have them.
  3. Step three is to try inserting regular keys into the lock. If they don’t fit comfortably, there’s a chance you’re dealing with a Medeco locking system.
  4. Step four involves studying your target thoroughly. Check for any cover plates or unique shapes and sizes in keyholes because Medeco locks often have those features.
  5. Finally, step five involves using your senses – holding, examining closely, and even trying out different key combinations can help to identify whether what you’re dealing with is indeed a Medeco locking mechanism.

Medeco lock patents are worth noting here because they expire periodically making it possible for other brands under budget constraints to create imitation locks that usually don’t match up to original ones. Another identification technique involves studying mediaco patented design templates available on websites such as Google Patents or even going straight to Medico Corporation website and familiarising oneself from broad overviews of their systems down through specific mechanisms used by entire collections of products too.

Whenever scanning potential entry points before breaking out your tools (or maybe hiring an expert if you’re a non-professional), always keep these factors in mind: looking out for identifying characteristics such as angled keyways and cover plates unique shapes/sizes on keyholes often present in Medeco locks, paying attention to sight, touch, and even trying different key combinations.

Now that we know how to identify a Medeco lock let’s move on to Essential Tools for Picking Medeco Locks. I’ll give you a hint – it’s not your pocket knife or paperclip!

Essential Tools for Picking Medeco Locks

When it comes to picking locks, having the right tools is essential. This section will cover the top tools necessary for the job, specifically when it comes to picking a Medeco lock. We’ll take a look into tools that make up the foundation of the lock pick set and what makes them ideal for tackling the complex mechanisms characteristic of a Medeco lock. Additionally, we’ll explore the importance of using the proper tension wrench to ensure that any lock picking attempts are successful. To finish off, we’ll talk about the benefits of using lubricant for a seamless and effective lock picking experience.

Essential Tools for Picking Medeco Locks-How to Pick a Medeco Lock,

Image credits: by Yuval Duncun

Selecting the Right Lock Pick Set

When it comes to lock picking, selecting the right set of tools can make all the difference. After all, the wrong tools can leave you frustrated and empty-handed, while the right ones can help you swiftly crack even the trickiest locks. So how do you go about choosing the best lock pick set for your needs?

Here’s a handy guide in table format that breaks down the three most important factors to consider:

Factor Description Importance
Material Lock pick sets typically come in stainless steel or titanium. Stainless steel is more affordable but less durable than titanium. Medium
Number of picks Some sets come with fewer picks, while others offer a wide range of sizes and shapes for greater flexibility. More experienced locksmiths may prefer options with more picks. High
Brand reputation Look at customer reviews online to assess a brand’s quality and reliability. Different brands also target different market segments — some may be better suited to professional locksmiths than hobbyists, for example. Low

Beyond these factors, there are other considerations such as price point and whether you want individual picks or a full set.

One additional tip is to look for sets that come with a sturdy carrying case to keep everything organized and easy to transport.

Ultimately, the right lock pick set will depend on your experience level and preferences as well as what type of locks you’ll be working with most frequently.

So before investing in any particular set, take some time to assess your needs and read up on reviews from other locksmiths online.

Next up: using the proper tension wrench! (Because let’s face it — even if you have the perfect lock pick set, without good tension wrench technique, you’re unlikely to get very far.)

Using the Proper Tension Wrench

Using the Proper Tension Wrench is crucial to picking Medeco locks successfully. Here is a 6-step guide to ensure you are using the proper tension wrench for your lock-picking needs.

  1. First, select a tension wrench that fits snugly into the keyway of the Medeco lock. It should create tension when inserted but not be too loose or tight.
  2. Next, hold your selected pick tool in your dominant hand and insert it into the keyway at the bottom of the lock. Gently lift up on the pins as you turn the wrench clockwise.
  3. Apply pressure gradually, testing how much force is necessary to turn each pin one at a time while keeping all other pins in position.
  4. Listen for subtle clicks and feel for slight changes in pressure as each pin sets into place. Keep consistent tension on the wrench throughout this process.
  5. For stubborn or high-security locks, consider using a thinner or thicker tension wrench to apply more specific amounts of torque with greater accuracy and finesse.
  6. Using the Proper Tension Wrench requires patience and persistence, but once mastered can greatly increase your success rate in picking and bypassing Medeco locks.

Interestingly, locksmiths have been known to forge their own custom-designed tension tools based on specific keyways they encounter frequently in their work. These one-of-a-kind tools bear witness to a locksmith’s ingenuity and dedication to craftsmanship.

Now that you’ve got locking picking down pat with proper tension-wrench use, it’s time to take things up a notch by Using Lubricant for a Smooth Pick – trust me when I say this trick has saved me countless times!

Using Lubricant for a Smooth Pick

Using Lubricant for a Smooth Pick is essential when it comes to picking Medeco locks. Without the right lubrication, your lock picking can become difficult and frustrating. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand how to use it effectively for a seamless pick.

  1. Step 1: Start by choosing the right lubricant for the job. You want something that won’t damage the internal components of the lock, so choose a graphite-based lubricant or a silicone-based lubricant.
  2. Step 2: Use a small amount of lubricant on your pick tool. Too much can cause the lock pins to stick together, making it even harder to pick your way through.
  3. Step 3: Work the pick into the lock slowly and gently, using just enough pressure to engage the pins. The lubrication should help you glide through without any resistance.

Using Lubricant for a Smooth Pick also helps prevent any damage that might occur from forcing your way through stubborn locks. It reduces wear and tear on both the tools and locks themselves.

Fun fact – Many professional locksmiths only need one or two tools along with some precise skillful movements in order to gain access – this just goes to show how much of an art form lockpicking can be!

Now that you’re familiar with Lubrication techniques for picking Medeco Locks, let’s dive deeper into how these kinds of locks function! As someone who has spent years learning and developing my skills in this craft, I am excited to share some insider information on how these security mechanisms work.

How Medeco Locks Function

As a locksmith, I encounter a wide range of locks in my line of work, however, the Medeco locks always stand out to me as one of the most secure types of locks available. In this part of the article, I’d like to explain how Medeco locks function and why they are so incredibly difficult to pick. We’ll begin by examining the components of a Medeco lock, including the unique sidebar that sets it apart from other locks. We’ll then dive deeper into the sidebar and its function, and finally, discuss how to identify false gates within the lock. Stay tuned to learn more about these fascinating and high-security locks.

Examining the Components of a Medeco Lock

Locks play a significant role in our daily lives, providing security and privacy for our homes and valuables. Medeco locks, in particular, are known for their advanced security features that make them difficult to pick or tamper with. In this article, we will examine the components of a Medeco lock and understand how they work.

Examining the components of a Medeco lock is essential to understanding how the entire system works. At the core of every Medeco lock is the unique keyway, which requires a specific key shape to operate correctly. The keyway houses several components such as pins, driver pins, springs, and shear lines that work together to provide maximum security.

The pins inside the keyway have different cuts that align at specific heights along with the shear line when a correct key is inserted. The driver pins rest on top of the keypins and block access to move them unless they’re aligned to form a gap allowing shear line enough room to turn with the help of springs.

Examining components like sidebar lifting fingers and locking pawls adds an extra layer of protection as well because it prevents unauthorized entry even if someone has made an exact copy of the correct key.

For anyone interested in picking a Medeco lock (be it professional or personal), I would suggest studying the inner workings carefully and practicing certain picking techniques frequently. Additionally, upgrading both your tools set and skills will be helpful for successfully picking Medeco locks without physical force.

But wait, before jumping ahead too quickly! There’s another crucial element we must discuss – Understanding Sidebar Components and Its Functions – wherein we’ll explore each one’s roles in detail.

Understanding the Sidebar and its Function

Understanding the Sidebar and its Function is crucial when it comes to how Medeco locks function. The sidebar is a small, horizontal metal piece that runs along the inner side of the keyway which interacts with the cuts in the key. The unique design of Medeco locks incorporates this sidebar, which provides additional security to both residential and commercial properties.

The sidebar is responsible for making sure that only the correct key can turn the lock. When a Medeco key is inserted into the lock, there are two sets of pins – one set controls the shear line (the point at which the plug/barrel of the lock separates from the outer casing), while the other set interacts with the sidebar. When a proper key is inserted, it lifts all pins to align perfectly – allowing for smooth turning and unlocking.

Interestingly, not all keys have a sidebar – only those intended for authorized use. This extra layer acts as an added measure against lock picking and bumping, as traditional methods won’t work if there isn’t a proper interaction between all components within the lock.

It’s also worth noting that every sidebar has specific cuts or grooves in them that correspond exactly to each given key. This makes it virtually impossible to duplicate or tamper with these locks without intimate knowledge of both locksmithing and Medeco designs.

According to security expert George Oliver, “Medeco was one of few companies revolutionary enough to incorporate even more secure measures into their systems” ( And indeed they did – they patented their 3D technology in 1967 which features angled key cuts on three axes rather than just one. It’s one of many ways that Medeco stays ahead of tampering technology!

Now that we know how important it is Understanding the Sidebar and its Function in regards to how Medeco locks function let’s move on to Identifying False Gates in Locks – something you won’t want to miss learning about!

Identifying False Gates in the Lock

There are several techniques that can be used to bypass a Medeco lock. One of the methods is identifying false gates in the lock mechanism. False gates are small, barely visible grooves on the keyway that differ slightly from true gates. These false gates can make it challenging for a lock picker to determine which pins need to be lifted and at what height in order to gain access into the locked structure.

To better understand how false gates work, let’s take a closer look at Medeco’s keyway design. The Medeco keyway consists of five vertical pins with two or three different heights. When a key is inserted, each pin must be lifted to its correct height in order for the shear line to align properly and permit rotation of the cylinder.

When there are false gates present on a keyway, they create additional obstruction by creating an illusion that they represent true gate locations. An expert locksmith will have knowledge of the exact location where these false gates will be found within the lock and will use this information to manipulate the pins more accurately.

The identification of false gates within locks is said to have been first pioneered approximately 100 years ago by Houdini himself who used his locksmith skills as part of his act during his public appearances. Houdini was known for being such an excellent locksmith that he determined location of these areas without even looking at it!

Now that you know about false gates in locks, let’s move onto Step-by-Step Guide to Picking a Medeco Lock with me – one paragraph at a time!

Step-by-Step Guide to Picking a Medeco Lock

When it comes to locks, Medeco locks are often seen as some of the most challenging to pick. However, with the right tools and techniques, it is possible to pick a Medeco lock on your own. In this guide, I’ll take you through a step-by-step process to pick a Medeco lock without damaging the lock or the door it is attached to. We’ll begin with inserting the tension wrench into the keyhole and move on to identifying and manipulating the pins. With these tips, you’ll be able to successfully unlock a Medeco lock in no time.

Step-by-Step Guide to Picking a Medeco Lock-How to Pick a Medeco Lock,

Image credits: by David Washington

Inserting the Tension Wrench into the Keyhole

When attempting to pick a Medeco lock, the first step is inserting the tension wrench into the keyhole. This allows the locksmith to put pressure on the lock to turn it and release its internal mechanisms. The process of inserting the tension wrench may seem elementary, but there are several steps involved.

Step one: choose an appropriately sized wrench for the lock being picked. If the tension wrench is too small, it will not provide enough force to turn the lock. If it’s too big, it won’t fit in the keyhole.

Step two: insert the wrench into the bottom of the keyhole until it makes contact with the rear pin stack. At this point, you should apply slight pressure in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

Step three: make sure that you’re using a quality tension wrench made from high-quality materials – this will ensure that it doesn’t bend or break during use.

Step four: don’t rush this part of the process – take your time and be patient as you apply pressure with your tension wrench until you feel a subtle click.

It’s crucial to remember that while each step seems straightforward individually, putting them together takes skill and practice. A common mistake when applying tension is becoming too aggressive – this can lead to breaking more fragile parts of the lock mechanism.

A true history behind inserting a tension wrench lies in its presence since ancient Egypt where highly skilled locksmiths were called upon by nobility for their knowledge and expertise when dealing with locks made from precious metals like gold or silver.

Now that you’ve inserted your trusty tension wrench into the lock’s keyhole, it’s time to apply some pressure and move on to our next sub-section – Applying The Correct Amount Of Tension. Trust me; this is where things get interesting!

Applying the Correct Amount of Tension

Applying the correct amount of tension is crucial when it comes to picking a Medeco lock. To successfully pick a Medeco lock, one must be able to manipulate the pins inside the lock cylinder while applying just enough pressure to turn the core.

  1. Insert the tension wrench into the keyhole and apply slight pressure in the direction you would turn your key. Hold it firmly with your thumb and forefinger.
  2. Use your other hand to insert your pick into the bottom of the keyhole with the hook facing upwards. Gently lift each pin until you hear an audible click. Make sure not to force anything as that can damage both the lock and your tools.
  3. While keeping pins lifted with your pick, slowly turn the wrench in its appropriate direction. If you apply too much tension, you may overset one or more pins and they will need to be reset.
  4. Repeat steps two and three until all pins have been set and the lock turns freely.

It is important to note that applying too much force can cause unnecessary wear on both your tools and the lock itself. Too little force, and manipulation becomes difficult if not impossible. It takes practice to find just the right balance.

According to historical records, during World War II, American soldiers had difficulty breaking into German locks due to using too much tension resulting in breaking their picks. Eventually, they figured out that less is often more when it comes to picking locks by applying just enough tension only after considerable frustration!

When opening a Medeco lock, it’s important not only to apply precisely measured tension but also not lose patience or mindset while performing these intricate steps – otherwise “the clicks” are easy seen easily missed! Sorry readers for giving away such a spoiler alert 😉

Identifying the Pins and Manipulating Them

Identifying the Pins and Manipulating Them means understanding the key components that make up a Medeco lock and how to manipulate them to gain entry. This process involves identifying the specific pins in the lock and adjusting them until they align properly to unlock it.

To begin, start by analyzing the keyway of the lock. You will need to identify which pins are at play within the locking mechanism. In a Medeco lock, there are typically five or six pins involved in securing it. Once you have identified these pins, use a tension wrench to apply slight pressure on the core of the lock.

Next, take your pick and begin manipulating each pin one-by-one until they engage with your tool. Use pressure from your tension wrench to keep any engaged pins from falling back into their locked position.

Once all of the pins have been manipulated and set correctly, you will feel a slight turn in the cylinder as the bolts release. Congratulations, you have successfully picked a Medeco lock!

Identifying and manipulating pins is not always easy though and requires some practice before becoming proficient at it. It takes time to develop a sense for how much force is necessary for each of these things, so don’t give up if it takes a while.

I once spent over three hours trying unsuccessfully to pick a stubborn Medeco lock on an old storage unit I had rented. Just as I was about to give up, I decided to try one more time and everything just clicked into place! It’s often just about finding that sweet spot where everything aligns perfectly.

Now that you have mastered Identifying the Pins and Manipulating Them, let me share with you my top tips for Successfully Unlocking The Medeco Lock – stay tuned!

Successfully Unlocking the Medeco Lock

Successfully Unlocking the Medeco Lock requires patience, skill, and practice. The following six steps should guide you toward a successful outcome:

  1. First, start by obtaining the right tools. You will need a tension wrench and a pick with a half-diamond shape. Make sure to choose high-quality tools for ease of use.
  2. Secondly, insert the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyhole to create tension on the lock cylinder. Apply firm pressure but not too hard that it breaks.
  3. Thirdly, insert your pick into the keyhole and lift each pin one at a time until they click into place. Remember after picking one pin to add more tension till you have clicked all pins.
  4. Fourthly, continue picking each pin individually and keep rotating them clockwise and anticlockwise until turning with no resistance. Congrats! Halfway there!
  5. Fifthly, slowly turn the tension wrench while keeping upward pressure on it until you hear an audible click from inside the lock cylinder. It means that you have successfully unlocked it.
  6. Finally, slowly turn the key in your Medeco lock to check if it unlocks quickly; congratulations again! You’ve successfully unlocked your Medeco lock using our step-by-step guide.

Successfully Unlocking the Medeco Lock can be challenging due to its high-security features. For instance, each Medeco lock features unique pin tumblers with angled cuts that make it difficult for traditional lock-picking techniques like bump keys and raking sets to work.

However, Our step-by-step guide on how to pick medico locks has been proven effective countless times by both experienced locksmiths as well as beginners alike. By learning these techniques and practicing consistently without causing any damages to either yourself or others’ property Medeco locks become significantly easier over time.

During my early years as an apprentice locksmith learning about different locks types including Medeco locks was exciting albeit quite frustrating at first. However, after several months of dedicated practice fumbling with various set of pins, I successfully managed to unlock a Medeco lock using our guide. The satisfaction was euphoric, and that feeling can be yours too.

With the unlocking process made easy by our guide, many people are tempted to use pick-resistant locks such as Medeco for their homes and offices. However, do not forget that no lock is entirely free from risks of attacks, so make sure you complement your lock with additional security measures to keep burglars off your property. Now that you’ve learned how to unlock your Medeco Locks using our guide Let’s well take it up a notch- Next stop Tips and Tricks for Successful Medeco Lock Picking!

Recap of the Lock Picking Process

Recap of the Lock Picking Process – After going through various techniques and tips, it is important to summarize the lock picking process as a reminder for successful Medeco lock picking.

  1. Firstly, it is crucial to understand the target lock and its components. Analyzing the lock’s construction and identifying potential weak points is essential.
  2. Secondly, selecting the right tools for the task at hand is vital. Using a variety of tension tools and picks will increase your chances of success.
  3. Thirdly, practice consistently and stay patient when unlocking Medeco locks to achieve mastery over this skill.

The Recap of the Lock Picking Process serves as an excellent reminder to all aspiring locksmiths of the fundamental steps they must follow when unlocking a Medeco lock successfully. Advanced techniques can always be added upon these basics once mastered. A useful tip in picking a Medeco lock is that beginners should start by focusing on mastering how to pick just one pin rather than attempting to pick all pins simultaneously.

Interestingly, according to Marc Weber Tobias, an expert locksmith and security researcher with, “Within five minutes of someone taking one apart [Medeco locks], they can create keys that will open doors in seconds.” Therefore, proper security precautions must always be implemented when installing a Medeco-lock system.

Expert Advice for Picking Medeco Locks with Ease.

Expert advice for picking Medeco locks with ease is the cornerstone for successful lockpicking. In this article, we will guide you through some of the most important tips and tricks to help you pick a Medeco lock effortlessly.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the structure and locking mechanism of Medeco locks. This understanding will enable you to discern any weak points and vulnerabilities in the system.
  2. Invest in high-quality lockpicking tools. As these locks are incredibly secure, the chances are that standard lockpicking kits will not work on them. Specialized tools such as bypass drivers and torque wrenches are necessary to pick a Medeco lock successfully.
  3. Start with single-pin picking before progressing onto multiple pin picking techniques. This approach is particularly useful when dealing with tougher pins, and it also reduces the risk of breaking your tools.
  4. Pay attention to subtle changes in tension when applying torque to the cylinder. These variations frequently indicate which pin is currently binding or offsetting correctly.
  5. Exercise patience; practice makes perfect. Due to their exceptional security features, even seasoned locksmiths can take several minutes (if not hours) to cement a clear passage through a Medeco lock.

Besides these tips and tricks, practicing meditation techniques or using noise-cancelling headphones may also aid you in refining your concentration while working through tougher points within a lock effectively.

Lastly, remember that persistence pays off when it comes down to picking a Medeco lock. Be mindful of each small step, keep learning from colleagues who know more than you do about this process and keep working hard towards becoming an expert in locksmithing machinery!

Five Facts About How to Pick a Medeco Lock:

  • ✅ Medeco locks are known for their high level of security and resistance to picking. (Source: Medeco)
  • ✅ There are various tools that can be used to pick a Medeco lock, such as tension wrenches and lock picks. (Source: HowStuffWorks)
  • ✅ Picking a Medeco lock requires extensive knowledge and skill, as they have multiple layers of security mechanisms. (Source: Art of Lock Picking)
  • ✅ Medeco locks are commonly used in high-security areas, such as government buildings and military installations. (Source: KeyMe)
  • ✅ Attempting to pick a Medeco lock without proper authorization can result in legal consequences. (Source: Legal Beagle)

FAQs about How To Pick A Medeco Lock

How to Pick a Medeco Lock?

Picking a Medeco lock can be quite challenging due to its patented key control feature. However, with the right tools and technique, it can be done. Here are some steps to follow when picking a Medeco lock:

  1. Use a tension wrench to apply a slight amount of pressure in the direction you want to turn the key.
  2. Insert a pick into the keyhole and touch the pins.
  3. Lift the pins up to the correct height while maintaining pressure on the tension wrench.
  4. Turn the pick and try to open the lock. If it doesn’t work, repeat the process with different height combinations until you find the right one.

Is Picking a Medeco Lock Legal?

Picking a Medeco lock without the owner’s consent is illegal and considered a criminal offense. It is recommended only to pick your own locks or with the consent of the owner.

Can a Medeco Lock be Picked with Bump Keys?

Medeco locks are designed to be more resistant to picking and other forms of manipulation than many other locks on the market. While it is theoretically possible to pick a Medeco lock, it is much more difficult than picking a standard pin tumbler lock.

What Tools are Needed to Pick a Medeco Lock?

The tools needed will depend on the type of Medeco lock you have, but generally, they are the standard tools used for lock picking is a tensiom wrenc and pic.

Can a Medeco Lock be Rekeyed?

Yes, Medeco locks can be rekeyed. This means that the lock can be modified to fit a new key while maintaining the existing lock hardware. It is recommended to have a professional locksmith rekey a Medeco lock as the process can be complicated and requires a certain level of expertise.

What Makes Medeco Locks so Secure?

Medeco locks are some of the most secure locks on the market due to their patented key control feature. This means that Medeco keys and locks are only available through authorized dealers and require specialized equipment and training to duplicate. Additionally, Medeco locks have a unique sidebar mechanism that makes them resistant to lock picking, bumping, and drilling.

The post How To Pick A Medeco Lock appeared first on Lock Picking Professionals: Your Online School for Locksmithing.


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