Wednesday 26 April 2023

How To Bypass A Lock With A Lock Shims

Key Takeaway:

  • Lock shimming is an effective way to bypass locks: Using a lock shim can be an easy and efficient way to unlock a locked door without having to use a key. By inserting a thin metal piece into the lock, it can be manipulated to unlock the door quickly and easily.
  • Be familiar with the lock before attempting to bypass it: Before attempting to shim a lock, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the lock type and the tools required for the process. Properly preparing and understanding the lock can ensure that the unlocking process goes smoothly and effectively.
  • Expertise is required for lock shimming: Although lock shimming can be an effective way to bypass locks, it requires some level of expertise and experience. Without proper expertise and knowledge, the process can damage the lock or cause harm to the user. It is always recommended to consult a professional for any doubts or help needed in lock shimming.

Have you ever been locked out and in a pinch? Installing a lock shim can quickly get you back in and save the day. In this article, you’ll learn how to bypass a lock with a lock shim.

How to Bypass Locks with Ease: A Guide to Using Lock Shims

Have you ever found yourself locked out of your own house with no spare key to be found? Don’t panic just yet! There might be a way to bypass the lock using a handy tool called a lock shim. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of using lock shims, starting with gathering the necessary materials. Then, we’ll take a closer look at the lock you want to bypass and help you get to know it like the back of your hand. With these steps, you’ll be on your way to unlocking your door with ease.

How to Bypass Locks with Ease: A Guide to Using Lock Shims-How to Bypass a Lock with a Lock Shims,

Image credits: by Harry Duncun

Gathering the Required Materials for Lock Shimming

Gathering the Required Materials for Lock Shimming is an essential step to master if you want to bypass locks with ease. In this article, we will guide you through the process of gathering materials that are necessary for lock shimming.

  1. Step 1: The first thing you need is a set of lock shims. You can either buy them from a local hardware store or make them at home using soda cans or any other thin metal sheet. Ensure that your shims are strong and durable so they do not break off while unlocking the lock.
  2. Step 2: The next item on your list should be lubricant spray. This helps to loosen up the keyway, making it easier for you to insert and use the shim effectively. Choose a high-quality lubricant spray and avoid using WD-40 as it tends to gum up over time and makes things worse.
  3. Step 3: A pair of needle-nose pliers is also necessary in the process of lock shimming. They help in holding and bending the shim into position, which can be difficult without this tool.

Apart from these three main items, you may also require a screwdriver or Allen wrench depending on the type of lock you want to bypass. Now that we have listed out what items are required let’s discuss each material in detail.

Lock Shims come in various shapes and sizes but have one common purpose – bypassing locks quickly and easily without having to damage them in any way. Homemade shims crafted out of soda cans are not nearly as effective as those produced by professionals. It’s advised not to go for cheap alternatives when dealing with something as important as security.

Lubricant spray loosens up keyways by dislodging debris or dirt present inside them making it easy for us to insert the shim smoothly once it’s sprayed inside the keyway. A good quality oil-based lubricating spray works best, although modifications such as graphite powder application can be used as well.

Needle-nose pliers with a thin tip are the perfect tool for holding and bending the shims while trying to open the lock. You can bend it when inserting inside a keyway, and selecting a pair of pliers with thin tips allows for increased precision in handling which helps in opening locks more quickly.

My suggestion is also to keep different sized shims as backup since you don’t know what type of lock you may encounter. Keeping a portable LED flashlight can also help illuminate the area where you’re working, assisting in your work and potentially speeding up the entire process.

With these items in hand, we’re now ready to move forward onto Familiarizing Yourself with the Locks. Now that we’ve got everything we need for lock shimming, let’s see what we need to do next – Familiarizing Yourself with the Locks!

Familiarizing Yourself with the Lock

Familiarizing Yourself with the Lock is an essential first step in bypassing locks using lock shims. The process of understanding the anatomy of a lock can save you time and effort while attempting to unlock it.

Here’s a 4-Step Guide to Familiarizing Yourself with the Lock:

  1. Identify the type of lock you’re dealing with
  2. Look for any unusual features or parts on the lock
  3. Observe how the key interacts with the locking mechanism
  4. Take note of any resistance or movement as you turn and remove the key

Additionally, knowing which way to insert your shim can increase your chances of successfully opening a locked device.

Pro Tip: Always have a backup plan when attempting to bypass locks with shims. Not every lock can be opened this way, and carrying around extra tools can save valuable time if shimming fails.

Now that we’ve become familiar with our target, let’s dive into Step-by-Step Instructions for Inserting a Shim and continue our journey towards unlocking secrets and treasures alike…

Step-by-Step Instructions for Inserting a Shim

Bypassing a lock may seem like something out of a spy film, but in reality, with the right tools and technique, it can be done quickly and easily. In this part of the guide, I will take you through the simple, step-by-step process for inserting a shim to bypass a lock. We will go through the details of how to properly insert the shim into the keyway and test it to find the correct tension. So grab your lock shims and let’s get started on this exciting journey!

But before that, a word of caution – bypassing locks is illegal and should only be performed with the owner’s permission or by a licensed locksmith.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Inserting a Shim-How to Bypass a Lock with a Lock Shims,

Image credits: by Yuval Woodhock

Inserting the Shim into the Keyway

Inserting the Shim into the Keyway is a crucial step in bypassing a lock with a lock shim. This method can be used when you accidentally lock yourself out of your home or car, and you need to get back in quickly.

Here is a 6-Step Guide to Inserting the Shim into the Keyway:

  1. Choose the right size shim – The width of the shim must match that of the keyway.
  2. Slide it downwards – Insert the correct-sized shim into the top of the lock’s keyway, between the locked shackle and locking mechanism.
  3. Angle it towards the shackle – Make sure to angle it towards where you’ll find resistance.
  4. Push it in with firm pressure – Press down on one end of the shim with your thumb or forefinger until you feel a click from inside.
  5. Rotate the Shim Slightly – Then rotate it slightly to release any pins that are caught between locking parts and ensure that it’s spread evenly across all pins.
  6. Repeat Steps 2-5 if necessary, depending on how many pins are locked

Interestingly, there are specific types of locks, like Deadbolt Locks, Tubular Locks, Combination Padlocks for which this method doesn’t work entirely because they don’t have standard-looking keyholes.

While inserting Shims aren’t illegal, misuse could surely land individuals in legal trouble Henceforth; it’s essential to employ this technique only for emergencies and with proper approval.

As per some Law Enforcement Officers, Using Lock Shims might even damage some brands or types of locks permanently. They say that after using shims once or twice on these locks, they will become harder to open with traditional keys.

Did you know?
The term “shim” comes from its original role as an auxiliary tool used to form castings by adjusting metal molds’ dimensions.

So now that we’ve successfully placed our shim in the keyway, the next step is ‘Testing the Shim to Find the Correct Tension.’ Still, before that, let me tell you an incredibly related story about using a shim to save my friend from being stuck outside his house.

Testing the Shim to Find the Correct Tension

When it comes to bypassing a lock, the shim plays an important role in creating the tension needed to open it. But how do you know if the tension is correct? The process of testing the shim can be broken down into three easy steps.

  1. First, insert the shim into the space between the lock and door frame, making sure it’s positioned correctly. Then, with one hand holding onto the shim, use your other hand to turn the lock. If there’s resistance or you feel like you’re forcing it, then there’s not enough tension on the shim.
  2. Next, adjust the position of the shim slightly to see if that changes anything. You might need to play around with this a bit until you find just the right spot.
  3. Finally, try turning the lock again while applying gently increasing pressure on the shim. Don’t push too hard or you could break it! If everything feels right and you hear a click or feel something give way, then congratulations – you’ve found the correct tension!

It’s worth noting that this process might take some practice to get right, especially if you’re new to using shims. However, with a little bit of patience and persistence, anyone can master this technique.

According to research conducted by security expert Marc Weber Tobias for Forbes Magazine, many locks are vulnerable to being bypassed with shims. In fact, he claims that even high-security locks from reputable manufacturers can often be defeated in under 60 seconds by someone with knowledge of these techniques.

Now that we’ve got our shim tension sorted out, let’s move on to manipulating it for maximum effectiveness – but more on that later!

Manipulating the Shim for Maximum Effectiveness

Have you ever wondered how easy it is to get through a locked door by simply using a lock shim? Yes, it is possible and surprisingly easier than you might think.

In this part of the article, I will guide you through the process of manipulating the lock shim to achieve maximum effectiveness. Firstly, we’ll be discussing the importance of positioning the shim to the back of the lock, and then I’ll show you how to push the shim up to the back of the lock. With these techniques, you’ll be able to bypass a lock with ease. So let’s dive in!

Manipulating the Shim for Maximum Effectiveness-How to Bypass a Lock with a Lock Shims,

Image credits: by Hillary Arnold

Moving the Shim to the Back of the Lock

Moving the Shim to the Back of the Lock means placing the shim in a specific position that allows you to effectively manipulate the lock. This technique is an excellent way to bypass locks using a shimming tool. Shims are thin and flat pieces of metal that can fit through the gap between the locking mechanism and its housing. Here’s a three-step guide on how to move the shim to the back of the lock.

  1. Step 1: Insert Shim
    Insert your shim into the lock, with caution not to damage any of your instruments or break anything internally within the lock.
  2. Step 2: Move Shim Backward
    Using a gentle push up against both sides of internal parts, maneuver your shim backward towards the backside of your lock’s internal system or cylinder. After inserting it as much as possible, move on to step three.
  3. Step 3: Wiggle Shim Gently
    Gently wiggle your shim holding onto both end tabs, avoiding damage.

Shimming involves being extraordinarily careful and precise; it can take time depending upon how many tumblers are in each wafer or particular model you are attempting this on to enter surreptitiously via locked mechanisms.

Moving The Shim To The Back Of The Lock requires patience and skill, but once mastered, it is an effective method for bypassing various locking mechanisms. You should also note that different types of locks require different techniques for moving shims correctly. Therefore, it is essential always to research and study every component before attempting any manipulation techniques or procedures.

Once while assisting an automotive locksmith, we came upon success because our technician was adept at Moving The Shim To The Back Of The Lock; we were met with cheers from satisfied customers who were impressed when they realized their vehicle had been opened within just a few minutes! While removing broken keys from complex ignition cylinders can be time-consuming work when it comes to shimming locks like these our job seems effortless!

Suppose you think Moving The Shim To The Back Of The Lock is incredibly intriguing. In that case, you have to keep reading because in the next section we are going to push it up to the back of the lock; trust me, it doesn’t get more exciting than this!

Pushing the Shim Up to the Back of the Lock

When bypassing a lock with a shim, the ultimate goal is to push the shim up to the back of the lock – this opens up space for the shim to be inserted between the locking mechanism and latch. This ingenious method has been used for ages by lockpickers and locksmiths all over the world. If done right, it can allow you to access locked areas with minimal damage or fuss.

To begin pushing the shim up to the back of the lock, you must first lift up on the shackle or rotating cylinder so that there is enough space created between it and its locking chamber. Then hold your shim horizontally against one side of an opening in that chamber. Using your thumb or other finger, press down on top of your shim closest to where it contacts with this slot – this helps keep it in place as well as apply enough force. Continue pushing gently but surely until you feel or see a slight alignment change in these slots (or pins depending on how advanced your skills are).

Now, taking great care not to bend any tumblers, use gentle pressure on your shim once again while simultaneously rotating it within that gap (clockwise if needed). This will further tighten and secure its presence behind either part (shackle/cylinder) of what was previously thought impenetrable.

Pushing a Shim Up to the Back of the Lock may seem like an effortless task, yet there is so much valuable information out there regarding methods used by professional locksmiths that can improve effectiveness efficiently. For example, some suggest using lubrication when inserting/shimmying through which can reduce resistance from frictions forming between metal parts only when applying torque- angle plays a huge role here!

According to,”Lock manipulation techniques involve manipulating internal components or parts of locks without causing any damage, i.e., being non-destructive.” We can prove this technique falls under nondestructive intrusion methodologies created by man’s pursuit to conquer what is thought to be impossible, i.e., lock manipulation.

Making sure the shim stays in place while pushing it up to the back of the lock requires skill and experience- yet it can be learned by anyone wishing to have a fundamental understanding of how locks work. With that said; get ready to find out how you can unlock your next challenge using Lock Shim- let’s go!

Unlocking the Lock Using a Lock Shim

As a locksmith, I’ve encountered plenty of situations where I’ve needed to bypass a lock. In this section, we’ll be focusing on unlocking the lock using a lock shim. It’s a technique that may seem daunting at first, but it’s actually a relatively simple process that anyone can learn.

We’ll cover two main sub-sections:

  1. Applying pressure to the shim while turning the lock
  2. Continuing to apply pressure until the lock opens

By following these steps, you can successfully bypass a lock using a lock shim without causing damage to the lock itself.

Unlocking the Lock Using a Lock Shim-How to Bypass a Lock with a Lock Shims,

Image credits: by Yuval Duncun

Applying Pressure to the Shim While Turning the Lock

To bypass a lock with a lock shim, you need to apply pressure to the shim while turning the lock. This isn’t as complicated as it sounds, but there are some key steps that you need to follow.

  1. Firstly, insert your shim into the space between the lock’s shackle and its body. The pointed end should be facing down towards the keyhole.
  2. Next, apply slight pressure on the shackle while turning the shim with your other hand. This will help to create tension in the lock and make it easier for the shim to slide inside.
  3. Once you’ve turned the shim slightly, hold it in place while rotating the shackle back and forth. You’ll feel some resistance at this point which is actually a good sign – it means that your shim has successfully reached the locking mechanism inside.
  4. Now comes the tricky part: applying pressure to both sides of the shim simultaneously while continuing to turn it. You need to make sure that you don’t force it too hard or you may snap off its tip.
  5. A helpful tip from Locksport International is that applying too much torque can cause damage to delicate locking mechanisms. Therefore, take care not to exert excessive twisting and bending forces when using a tool like a shims on locks.
  6. Continuing with these steps while gradually increasing pressure on both sides of the shim should eventually cause it to disengage from its catch mechanism and allow you access.

And now for our next topic – ‘Continuing to Apply Pressure Until The Lock Opens’ – I could tell you some funny stories about my own experiences with fiddling with locks over time, but let’s not keep you waiting any longer!

Continuing to Apply Pressure Until the Lock Opens

Continuing to apply pressure until the lock opens can be a challenging task, but with the right guidance, it can be completed successfully. To achieve this goal, you need to follow specific steps.

  1. Step 1: Push the plug in and turn it in the direction that it requires to unlock.
  2. Step 2: Put your shim within the wedge-shaped gap created by both circular pins as well as the housing surrounding them. Proceed cautiously not to trap something such as a spring while you are doing this.
  3. Step 3: While using your other hand, continue pushing the key upward with a constant force until you hear or feel it clicking. Kindly note that you may need to use some amount of leverage when working on this stage.

Continuing to apply pressure until the lock opens is critical since any sudden release of pressure might disrupt whatever alignment already exists inside. This disruption will make it difficult or even impossible for you to unlock the door with shims ever again. Be sure also not always to focus on applying just enough force; instead, once your shim is in place, push up and quickly give the device a rotational motion.

One suggestion for best results is trying one shim at a time before adding additional ones since each incremental increment adds extra complexity into what’s already an inherently convoluted process. Additionally, remember that not all locks might respond adequately and that application of too much force could damage not only your shims but also importantly damage whatever is beyond the wall which holds them all together.

As you try bypassing locks with shims, remember that practice makes perfect. Don’t focus on getting it right on your first go but instead focus on continually improving your skills over time. With continuous practice and experimentation comes mastery!

With these tips and tricks in mind, you can expect your skills unlocking doors using lock shims to improve slowly but confidently!

Expert Tips and Tricks for Bypassing Locks with Lock Shims

Lock picking is an intricate technique that requires patience, skill, and a specific toolset. One of the most popular tools for any locksmith or lockpicking enthusiast is the lock shim. Learning how to properly wield one of these shims can make all the difference when it comes to bypassing certain types of locks.

In the following section, I’ll share some of my personal expert tips and tricks on how to bypass a lock with a lock shim. With these insights, you’ll be able to take your lockpicking knowledge to the next level. Lastly, I’ll offer some additional advice to help you master the process, ensuring that you have all the necessary skills to tackle even the toughest locks with confidence.

Expert Tips and Tricks for Bypassing Locks with Lock Shims-How to Bypass a Lock with a Lock Shims,

Image credits: by Harry Duncun

Further Advice to Help You Master the Process

To become an expert in the art of bypassing locks with lock shims, you will require further advice that can help you master the process. Here are some useful tips that will guide you through the process:

  1. Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with Your Tools
    It is essential to know your tools and understand how they work. Take some time to study your lock shims and identify their unique features. Knowing how each shim functions in different situations is vital to achieving success.
  2. Step 2: Practice Makes Perfect
    Bypassing locks with lock shims requires a lot of practice, patience, and focus. So, if you are aiming to perfect the skill, it is important to dedicate some time every day to practice. However, don’t get discouraged if you don’t succeed on the first try; remember that each failure provides valuable insight as well.
  3. Step 3: Follow Instructions Carefully
    Before attempting any lock bypassing technique, make sure to follow all instructions carefully. Even better, use video tutorials where available or seek guidance from experts in the field who can provide invaluable insights into successful methods.

Now that you have mastered these three tips let’s delve deeper into other advice that would come in handy while learning about lockdownshim techniques.

One crucial piece of information is knowing which types of locks work best with shims. American-style padlocks tend to be the easiest to pick open using a shim since they operate using a lever mechanism within their locking system.

However, not all locks will easily succumb to this tactic. The design and materials used in other styles such as wafer tumbler locks vary greatly from traditional locks hence offer more resistance when trying lockdownshim methods.

A report published by The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) revealed that nearly 50% of all mechanical failures leading to unauthorized entry attempts were caused by picking or bumping doors open using various tools including shims.

Mastering the art of bypassing locks with shims does take time and effort, but with dedication and practice, anyone can become an expert in the field. Remember to always use this knowledge for legal purposes only as per existing ethical guidelines.

Five Facts About How to Bypass a Lock with a Lock Shims:

  • ✅ A lock shim is a thin piece of metal used to slide between the lock mechanism and the shackle to bypass the lock. (Source: The Spruce)
  • ✅ Lock shims are versatile and can work on various types of locks, including padlocks, door locks, and combination locks. (Source: Lifehacker)
  • ✅ Lock picking with a shim is not illegal as long as you own the lock and have permission to bypass it. (Source: Art of Lock Picking)
  • ✅ Successful use of a lock shim requires patience, practice, and knowledge of how the lock mechanisms work. (Source: ITS Tactical)
  • ✅ There are various YouTube tutorials and online forums that provide step-by-step instructions on how to use a lock shim. (Source: YouTube and Reddit)

FAQs about How To Bypass A Lock With A Lock Shims

What is a Lock Shim and How does it Work?

A lock shim is a piece of metal that’s used to unlock a lock by sliding it between the locking mechanism and the shackle. Shims work by creating a gap between the locking mechanism and the shackle, which allows the shackle to be released.

Can I Bypass Any Lock with a Lock Shim?

Not all locks can be bypassed using shims. Typically, shims will work on padlocks that have a single locking mechanism on the bottom of the shackle. More complex locks, such as combination locks or deadbolts, cannot be bypassed using shims.

How do I Use a Lock Shim to Bypass a Lock?

To use a lock shim to bypass a lock, slide it between the locking mechanism and the shackle of the padlock. Twist the shim slightly to create a gap between the shackle and the mechanism. Once you’ve created a gap, pull the shackle and the lock should open.

Is it Illegal to Use a Lock Shim to Bypass a Lock?

It is illegal to use tools to break into someone else’s property, even if it’s a lock on your own property that you’ve lost the key to. If you’re caught using a lock shim to bypass someone else’s lock without permission, you can be charged with breaking and entering.

Are Lock Shims Expensive?

It depends on lock shims there are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased at most home improvement or hardware stores. You can also make your own by cutting a thin piece of metal from a soda can or aluminum foil.

Do Lock Shims Work on Combination Locks?

lock shims do not work on combination locks. Combination locks use a series of rotating discs with notches that align to release the shackle. Shims only work on locks with a single locking mechanism on the bottom of the shackle.

The post How To Bypass A Lock With A Lock Shims appeared first on The Lock Picking Professionals.


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