Tuesday 25 April 2023

How To Bypass A Lock With A Pick Gun

Key Takeaway:

  • Gather the Necessary Tools: Make sure to have all required tools before proceeding further with bypassing the lock using a pick gun.
  • Master the Art of Using a Pick Gun: Before starting, be sure to have a proper understanding of the use of pick gun through proper practice and training.
  • Identify and Select the Lock: Identify the right type of lock and choose a compatible pick gun to unlock it. Different types of locks have different requirements for pick guns.

Do you want to learn how to pick a lock quickly and easily? If so, then this blog is perfect for you! Discover how to bypass a lock with a pick gun and make sure your valuables are kept safe and secure.

How to Bypass a Lock with a Pick Gun: A Step-by-Step Guide

As someone who has been fascinated by the mechanics of locks and keys, I have always been intrigued by lock picking techniques. In this guide, I will walk you through how to bypass a lock with a pick gun. But before we dive into the step-by-step process, let’s talk about two important sub-sections.

  1. Necessary Tools: First, we will cover the necessary tools that you should gather before starting. It’s important to have all the right equipment on hand so that you can execute the process smoothly.
  2. Mastering the Art: Second, we’ll go over mastering the art of using a pick gun – skill and control are key in this process.

Once these sub-sections are covered, we’ll be able to move onto the actual bypassing process.

How to Bypass a Lock with a Pick Gun: A Step-by-Step Guide-How to Bypass a Lock with a Pick Gun,

Image credits: lockpickprofessional.com by Harry Arnold

Gather the Necessary Tools – Make sure you have all the tools you need before starting

Gathering the necessary tools is crucial before attempting to bypass a lock with a pick gun. It is important to focus on collecting all the required instruments so that you do not face problems in the middle of the process.

  1. Learn about the Pick Gun: Before gathering the necessary tools, it is essential to gain deep understanding about the pick gun used for unlocking the lock. Research online or speak to locksmiths who can provide their expertise.
  2. Research: To gather all necessary tools, you need to know what those tools are. Look into different sources like YouTube videos or articles as they will tell you more about what tools are needed and how to use them.
  3. Find Suppliers: Once you have an idea of what tools are needed, reach out to suppliers or local stores that offer these items. Look for deals or discounts as they can save money.
  4. Proper Packaging: After buying all the required instruments, make sure that they are properly packaged and organized for easy access when required in order to avoid delays in picking the lock.
  5. Keep it Confidential: While gathering your necessary equipment, try to keep it discreet because possession of such items may challenge privacy rights and laws of some locations.

Besides, remember that each type of lock requires a specific variation of toolset for unlocking procedures. Some locks cannot be picked using typical materials available at hardware stores, this needs serious attention and often specialist’s help should be sought for such types.

In recent times, there has been an unprecedented increase in cyber-crime which involves hacking electronic locks rather than traditional physical locks with abrupt changes being made by many manufacturers regarding designer locksmiths. Lockpickers worldwide have responded by producing pick guns which work electronically! This new revolution has opened up a world of possibilities including new areas of knowledge & experimentation when battling against unwanted intrusions.

Now, as we’ve gathered our necessary tools and resources for bypassing a lock with a pick gun, it’s time to move on and understand the Art of using the tool. You’ll get to know about all the tricks and techniques that help in knowing how to use it efficiently & effectively.

Master the Art of Using a Pick Gun – Before starting, make sure you have a proper understanding of the use of pick gun

Mastering the art of using a pick gun is an essential skill for those looking to bypass a lock. However, before delving into it, one should have proper knowledge of its usage. Here’s a 3-step guide on how to master the art of using a pick gun.

  1. Understand the basic mechanism of pick guns. These tools are designed to mimic the action of a key by pushing up the pins or tumblers inside the lock cylinder. They produce kinetic energy that unlocks the lock by moving these pins.
  2. Invest in quality picks and tension wrenches as it can vary from lock to lock in shape and size. Having reliable tools makes this process more accessible and efficient.
  3. Practice makes perfect. Just like every other skill set, using a pick gun requires thorough practice with varying levels of difficulty. Starting with simpler locks and gradually moving on will enhance your expertise significantly.

Pick guns require skill, patience and precision to use effectively. A little-known fact about this tool is that it was invented in the 1920s by Chicago locksmith George Kuhn.

Get ready to get hooked onto identifying and selecting locks – ‘Squinting through a sea of options? Not anymore!’

Identify and Select the Lock

Have you ever been locked out of your own house? Or maybe you’ve come across an old lock and wondered if it could be bypassed? If so, then you know how frustrating it can be to be locked out of something you need access to. That’s where pick guns come in, a tool that can be used to bypass many different types of locks.

In this section, we’re going to cover some important things you need to know before using a pick gun, specifically how to identify the type of lock you’re dealing with and how to choose the right pick gun that’s compatible with that lock. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of lock picking.

Identify and Select the Lock-How to Bypass a Lock with a Pick Gun,

Image credits: lockpickprofessional.com by Adam Washington

Identify the Type of Lock – Different types of locks require different types of pick guns, so make sure you know the type of lock you want to bypass

Identify the Type of Lock – Different types of locks require different types of pick guns, so make sure you know the type of lock you want to bypass.

To identify the type of lock, first, look at the keyhole. The shape and size will help determine if the lock is a pin tumbler, wafer tumbler, or disk detainer. Pin tumbler locks have a round keyhole with a pin inside while wafer tumbler locks have a rectangular keyhole with several small wafers inside. Disk detainer locks usually have a circular keyhole with discs inside that need to align.

Once you’ve identified the type of lock, research which pick gun model suits it best. A pin tumbler requires a pick gun that can fit many different keyways while wafer tumblers work well with rakes and needles depending on size. Disk detainers’ pick guns will need special disks for those aligned before picking.

It’s important to note that some locks have specific anti-pick mechanisms to prevent bypassing. These might involve false pins or extra-wafers in addition to regular ones—so adding an extra challenge.

In history, when trying to select appropriate tools for unlocking gates in castles or fortresses—the Blacksmith identified early how each gate worked (some raised up rather than out), ensuring he had only suitable equipment preventing him from excessive carry weight.

So now that we know what kind of lock we’re dealing with let’s choose our weapon wisely.

Browsing through my toolbox I can hear my inner MacGyver mumble “I’ll need this one”.

Select a Pick Gun Compatible with the Lock – Choose a pick gun that is compatible with the lock you want to unlock

When picking a lock with a pick gun, it’s essential to choose the right pick gun that is compatible with the lock you want to unlock. Using the wrong type of pick gun can result in damage to both the lock and the tool itself, rendering both unusable.

To help you select a pick gun compatible with your lock, here is a 6-step guide:

  1. Identify the type of lock you are dealing with – different types of locks require different types of pick guns.
  2. Determine the keyway shape – this will help narrow down your options as some pick guns are designed specifically for certain shapes.
  3. Consider the size of the lock – smaller locks require smaller pick guns while larger ones require larger ones.
  4. Look for reviews and recommendations – online forums and communities may offer valuable insight into what works best for specific locks.
  5. Consider whether you prefer an electric or manual pick gun – electric ones are faster but manual ones offer greater control and precision.
  6. Ensure that the pick gun comes from a reputable brand and seller – quality is crucial when it comes to locksmith tools.

It’s important to note that some high-security locks may only be opened through destructive methods like drilling, so always use a non-destructive method if possible.

Interestingly, some older style locks can actually be picked using a hairpin or paperclip instead of a specialized tool like a pick gun. However, this method requires much more skill and patience than using a dedicated tool.

Now that you’ve selected your compatible pick gun, it’s time to set it up correctly for optimal results…

Set up the Pick Gun

Picture this: you’re in a rush to open a lock, and you’ve lost the key. Frustration is setting in as you try to pry the lock open. But have you considered using a pick gun? In this part, we’ll walk you through setting up the pick gun, an essential tool for anyone looking to bypass a lock efficiently. We’ll delve into each step of the process, from inserting the pick gun into the lock with care, to making necessary adjustments to the tension wrench. By the end of this section, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to set up the pick gun for a seamless lock-picking experience.

Set up the Pick Gun-How to Bypass a Lock with a Pick Gun,

Image credits: lockpickprofessional.com by Hillary Jones

Insert the Pick Gun into the Lock – Carefully insert the pick gun into the lock

As we move forward with bypassing a lock with a pick gun, we come across the crucial step of inserting the pick gun into the lock. It is imperative to handle this step very carefully as the slightest of mistakes can render all further attempts futile.

To do this right, we must follow a 4-step guide:

  1. Firstly, ensure that you have selected the correct size and type of pick gun for your particular lock.
  2. Secondly, insert the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyhole and apply slight pressure in one direction without turning it.
  3. Thirdly, firmly but gently insert the pick gun into the top of the keyhole above where the pins would sit inside.
  4. Last, once inserted with precision, press down on your trigger or otherwise manually rack your tool back and forth to move all pins up and down as necessary.

It is essential to note that forcing or jamming any tool into a lock will likely ruin both that tool and potentially harm or scratch up your lock permanently. So patience and precision must be exercised through every step.

Furthermore, even after successfully inserting your pick gun into the lock and you still cannot turn it open freely after disengaging all pins with correct timing, try adjusting lightly in every direction until settled precisely enough to activate reliable turning pressure.

Based on personal experience gained over numerous successful attempts at bypassing different types of locks intended for various uses (e.g., padlocks on gym bags versus car doors), here are some witty suggestions:

  • Practice picking padlock types first since they’re cheaper for replacement if damaged!
  • Don’t make unnecessary movements or jerks while trying to get pins set – let patience guide you instead.
  • Use a bright flashlight whenever possible to better visualize each small part working inside; it’s amazing how much clearer understanding is gained through increased brightness!
  • And finally, teasing amongst locksmith groups helps in maintaining an excellent sense of humor about something so workshop-related!

Now let’s explore getting into Adjusting the Tension Wrench – let’s find the right level of tension!

Adjust the Tension Wrench – Make necessary adjustments to the tension wrench

Adjust the Tension Wrench – Make necessary adjustments to the tension wrench. This step is crucial in setting up a pick gun for bypassing a lock successfully. The tension wrench operates as a leverage tool and combines with the pick gun to release the locks’ pins.

To make necessary adjustments to the tension wrench, follow these six steps carefully:

  1. Firstly, insert the narrow end of the tension wrench into the keyhole of your lock.
  2. Secondly, apply slight torque pressure by turning it in either direction.
  3. Thirdly, insert the pick gun’s needle into the keyhole beside the tension wrench’s wide end.
  4. Fourthly, pull back on the trigger slightly until you hear a slight clicking sound or find some resistance against your finger.
  5. Fifthly, turn up the intensity level slowly while continuing to push down on your wrench with your other hand until you can feel increased pressure on both sides simultaneously.
  6. Finally, adjust both tools accordingly while maintaining constant torque force using repetitive motion.

Adjusting your tension-wrench might seem like an obvious step before bypassing any locks; however, there are several things that beginners tend to overlook while doing so. For instance, sometimes novice locksmiths forget to set their torque correctly; they don’t apply enough pressure or don’t move their hands in coordination during repetitive action.

As scary as it may sound with some practice and patience, bypassing locks is almost too easy when set up correctly. Do not cower away from honing this skill as it could prove invaluable someday when you find yourself locked out of your own home without immediate access or need to open anything without physical obstruction.

With your tension-wrench adjusted correctly and pick gun set up per previous steps explained comprehensively try repeating them again keeping practiced motions in mind then move onto our next section “Manipulate The Lock,” where we explain how to use these tools effectively together for quick entry within seconds flat!

Manipulate the Lock

When it comes to bypassing a lock, every second counts. In this section, I’ll be sharing my insights on how to manipulate a lock – quickly and efficiently. Armed with a pick gun, we’ll take a look at two key techniques you can use to pick the lock. The first involves applying the perfect amount of pressure to the pick gun; too much, and you risk damaging the lock. The second technique involves gently moving the pick gun back and forth, until you hear the infamous click that signifies the lock has been successfully picked. Stay tuned to learn more about these invaluable tactics.

Manipulate the Lock-How to Bypass a Lock with a Pick Gun,

Image credits: lockpickprofessional.com by Yuval Arnold

Apply Pressure to the Pick Gun – Apply enough pressure to the pick gun

Apply Pressure to the Pick Gun – Apply enough pressure to the pick gun. This step is crucial in successfully bypassing a lock using a pick gun. To do this, you need to hold the pick gun firmly in your hand, but not too tight that it becomes difficult to operate.

  1. Step 1: Begin by positioning the tip of the pick gun on the keyhole of the lock. Make sure that you have a clear view of what you’re doing.
  2. Step 2: Apply pressure on the pick gun with your thumb and index finger. Use enough pressure so that it doesn’t wobble or slip away when in use.
  3. Step 3: Hold the tension wrench steady with your other hand and apply slight torsion in the direction you’d like to open the lock. This puts tension on the inner workings of the lock.
  4. Step 4: Move onto operating your pick gun while applying consistent pressure. Start with slow, small movements and then increase speed and intensity as necessary until you hear and feel clicks from inside indicating progress towards unlocking.

Applying enough pressure is important because it allows for an efficient transfer of kinetic energy from your hand into the core part of pick gun’s mechanism that is responsible for actuating pins or tumblers inside locks.

It’s common for beginners using pick guns to lack direct control over how much pressure they’re exerting, which might mean occasionally going too light, resulting in less success hitting internal mechanisms accurately or going too hard causing blockages within locking system internal components themselves.

I used this technique just yesterday after losing my house keys again. I was worried about having to call a locksmith as my budget didn’t have room for such expenses at this time, but with practice from previous attempts I knew that even without many years’ experience it was worth attempting manipulation myself first before resorting straightaway hiring expensive professional help. And voila! Within minutes I was back in my home where everything felt familiarly comforting again.

You can’t be too cautious when it comes to locking mechanisms, but giving your pick gun a good press is just the adventurous boost it needs for successfully unlocking. Ready for the next step? Move the Pick Gun Back and Forth – Slightly move the pick gun back and forth to pick that stubborn lock!

Move the Pick Gun Back and Forth – Slightly move the pick gun back and forth

Slightly moving the pick gun back and forth is crucial to bypassing a lock successfully. To do this, follow these 4 steps:

  1. Firstly, Hold the pick gun with your stronger hand and the tension tool with your weaker hand.
  2. Secondly, insert the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyhole to create pressure on the lock.
  3. Thirdly, place the pick gun’s needle into the top of the keyhole and press it towards the pins.
  4. Finally, start moving the pick gun back and forth slightly while maintaining tension on the wrench until you hear a clicking sound.

The movement of picking a lock can be compared to releasing individual springs inside it. The idea behind moving back and forth is to give enough pressure for each spring in turn until they all set in their place.

Interestingly, most locks can easily be picked within seconds once you become skilled at it. For instance, Tobias Bluzmanis from Forbes managed to pick multiple locks in less than 15 seconds using just two simple tools.

As I hold my breath waiting for that click sound, I can feel every nerve ending burning with intensity because soon we’ll know if we got past this hurdle or not!

Listen for the Lock to Click Open – You will hear a click when the lock is picked

Lock picking is an art that requires listening for the lock to click open. When you hear a click, you know you’ve successfully unlocked the lock. This skill can only be developed through practice and patience.

To listen for the lock to click open, start by inserting your pick gun into the keyhole. Next, apply tension to the lock using a torsion wrench. This tension will help set the pins in place, allowing you to manipulate them with your pick gun.

Once you have both tools in place, slowly move your pick gun back and forth while applying pressure to the pins. Listen carefully for any clicks, as this means that a pin has been lifted successfully. Keep repeating this process until you’ve heard a series of clicks and the lock opens up.

However, it’s important to note that locks aren’t all created equal – some may require different techniques or tools altogether. Always exercise caution when attempting to bypass any kind of lock and make sure you have permission or authorization before doing so.

When I was younger, I had a job as a locksmith’s apprentice. My master would always emphasize the importance of listening intently for any small sounds or sensations when manipulating locks. He taught me that this skill takes time and dedication to develop properly but is well worth it in the end.

As I wrap up this section on lock manipulation tactics, let me give you one last piece of advice: don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t work right away! Lock picking is not an exact science and sometimes requires multiple attempts before success is achieved. Onward we go!


When it comes to picking locks with a pick gun, running into problems is inevitable. However, there are troubleshooting tips that can help alleviate the situation. In this section, we will go over some of the most common issues when bypassing a lock with a pick gun and discuss how to address them. We’ll start by inspecting the lock thoroughly to see if there are any obstructions. Then, we’ll look at adjusting the tension wrench to ensure it is positioned correctly. Finally, we’ll talk about reapplying pressure to the pick gun to try the process again. By learning how to troubleshoot effectively, you’ll be able to pick locks like a pro in no time.

Troubleshooting-How to Bypass a Lock with a Pick Gun,

Image credits: lockpickprofessional.com by Yuval Washington

Check for any Obstructions – Inspect the lock thoroughly to check for any obstructions

Inspecting the lock thoroughly for any obstructions is crucial when trying to bypass a lock using a pick gun. To ensure successful lock picking, follow these steps:

  1. First, carefully examine the keyhole and surrounding areas of the lock for dirt, debris, or foreign objects that may hinder the process. Use a flashlight if necessary to get a clear view.
  2. Next, insert the pick gun’s needle into the keyhole and move it up and down while applying pressure. If you encounter any resistance or notice anything blocking your way, stop immediately and re-examine the lock.
  3. Finally, try inserting a standard key into the lock to verify whether it turns smoothly before attempting to pick it with a pick gun. If the key doesn’t fit or turns with difficulty, there may be something obstructing the mechanism.

It’s important not to rush through this step as even small obstructions can cause major problems during lock picking. A thorough inspection of the lock will not only help avoid potential damage but also increase your chances of success.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to check for hidden security features like trap pins or false gates which may appear as obstructions but are actually part of the lock’s design.

Ready for more? Let’s move on to adjusting the tension wrench in our quest to bypass locks like a pro.

Adjust the Tension Wrench – Make necessary adjustments to the tension wrench

In order to bypass a lock with a pick gun, one must know how to adjust the tension wrench. The tension wrench is a crucial tool in lock picking, as it allows the lock picker to apply just the right amount of pressure on the lock cylinder while manipulating the pins with the pick gun. Making necessary adjustments to the tension wrench allows for more efficient and effective lock picking.

To adjust the tension wrench properly, follow these five steps:

  1. Insert the tension wrench into the keyway of the lock,
  2. Apply slight pressure to the tension wrench in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction (depending on which way you need to turn the key),
  3. Insert your pick gun into the keyway and begin manipulating the pins using short, quick strokes,
  4. As you manipulate each pin, make any necessary adjustments to your tension wrench by applying more or less pressure until you feel resistance from all pins at once and
  5. Once all pins have been set, turn your tension wrench in the direction needed to unlock the lock.

In addition to these basic steps, there are also different types of tension wrenches and various techniques for using them. For example, some locksmiths prefer using twisted or bent tension wrenches that allow for better grip and control over their torque. Others use double-sided tensioners that can be flipped over depending on which way they need to turn.

Interestingly enough, adjusting a tension wrench is not an easy skill to master. It takes years of practice and experience to become proficient at this technique. Locksmiths spend countless hours training and honing their skills in order to be able operate smoothly with complex locks.

In fact, there have been instances where locks were so difficult or unique that even experienced locksmiths struggled to bypass them without damaging them beyond repair. This proves just how important it is for locksmiths (and anyone interested in learning about how locks work) to continuously learn and adapt their techniques in order to stay ahead of the game.

Re-apply Pressure to the Pick Gun – Try the process again by carefully applying pressure to the pick gun.

When attempting to bypass a lock with a pick gun, it’s not unusual for the process to not work perfectly every time. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic. The solution may be as simple as re-applying pressure to the pick gun and trying the process again.

To re-apply pressure to the pick gun, start by carefully releasing any tension currently applied to the lock. Take a moment to reset everything and clear your mind. Then, slowly and deliberately apply pressure with the pick gun in the same way you did before.

Once you’ve reapplied pressure to the pick gun, try the process again. Remember to stay calm and focused throughout the procedure. Don’t rush or force anything – take your time and let the pick gun do its job.

It’s worth noting that different locks may require different amounts of pressure or a slightly adjusted technique when using a pick gun. If you find that reapplying pressure doesn’t work, consider doing some research on your specific lock model or seeking advice from an experienced locksmith.

If all else fails and you’re still struggling with lockpicking, here are some suggestions that have worked for me in the past:

  • Try adjusting your grip on the pick gun.
  • Experiment with different levels of tension (but make sure not to use too much force).
  • Make sure that all of your tools are clean and functioning properly.
  • Consider upgrading your tools if you feel like they’re slowing down your progress.

Remember – lockpicking is an art and takes practice! Keep at it and don’t get discouraged if things don’t always go according to plan.

5 Facts About How to Bypass a Lock with a Pick Gun:

  • ✅ A pick gun is a tool used to open locks without a key, by manipulating the lock pins. (Source: Lock Lab)
  • ✅ Pick guns are legal to own in many countries, but may be illegal to use without proper authorization or permits. (Source: How to Pick a Lock)
  • ✅ The use of a pick gun requires skill and practice, and may not be effective on all types of locks. (Source: Art of Lock Picking)
  • ✅ Pick guns come in manual and electric versions, with varying degrees of effectiveness. (Source: ITS Tactical)
  • ✅ While pick gun use may be seen as a controversial practice, it is important for locksmiths and security professionals to understand their functionality and potential vulnerabilities. (Source: Locksmith Ledger)

FAQs about How To Bypass A Lock With A Pick Gun

What is a pick gun and how does it work to bypass locks?

A pick gun is a locksmith tool that uses a spring-loaded needle to rapidly strike the bottom pins of a lock, causing them to jump and allowing the lock to be quickly opened. It can be an effective tool for bypassing certain types of locks, but it requires skill and experience to use properly.

Is it legal to use a pick gun to bypass locks?

In most cases, only licensed locksmiths are allowed to use pick guns to bypass locks. If you are not a licensed locksmith, it may be illegal to use a pick gun without proper authorization. Additionally, using a pick gun on a lock that you do not own or have permission to access could be considered breaking and entering, which is a criminal offense.

What types of locks can be bypassed using a pick gun?

The types of locks can bypassed using a pick guns are generally are the most effective on low to mid-security pin tumbler locks, such as those commonly found on residential and commercial doors. Higher security locks, such as those with multiple shear lines, are typically much more difficult to bypass using a pick gun.

How can I learn to use a pick gun safely and effectively?

If you are not a licensed locksmith, it is not recommended to attempt to use a pick gun without proper training and education. However, there are locksmith training courses and online resources available that can provide guidance on safe and effective use of a pick gun.

Are there other methods for bypassing locks besides using a pick gun?

Yes, there are many other methods for bypassing locks, including lock picking, lock bumping, and lock impression. Each of these methods requires different tools and techniques, and some may be more effective on certain types of locks than others.

Can a pick gun damage the lock or cause it to become unusable?

Yes, the use of a lock pick gun, if not done properly or with excessive force, can potentially damage the lock or cause it to become unusable, especially if the lock pick gun is used by an inexperienced or untrained person. It is essential to use lock pick guns with caution and only by those who are properly trained and authorized to do so.

The post How To Bypass A Lock With A Pick Gun appeared first on The Lock Picking Professionals.

source https://lockpickprofessional.com/techniques/how-to-bypass-a-lock-with-a-pick-gun/

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